ICS: International Christian Schools
c/o Mr. Pälchen
Herminenstr. 6
31675 Bückeburg
Phone 049 5722 920 170 4
Steuernummer: 44/133/08416
The ICS-Christian School Founding offered a teacher and student exchange program for member schools. The member teachers and students can send their application for an exchange to us, we will delegate it to the schools. To ensure a good process, ICS works as a arbiter.
ICS-Christian School -Founding is only the arbiter, we do not provide insurence protection, contracts etc. Every school is independet to use their own contracts and regulations.But we are the arbiter, the neutral third partie, we try to get sure that the Exchange will be a success. The schools send their contracts, formulars to us, we send them to the Students. They will send them to us and we deliver them to the schools. We try to help if problems come and work as a mediator in the case if it is necessary.