ICS: International Christian Schools
c/o Mr. Pälchen
Herminenstr. 6
31675 Bückeburg
Phone 049 5722 920 170 4
Steuernummer: 44/133/08416
Behind this link: Schoolconcept:Based on the best concepts and insights you will find the pedagogy concept and the "Business" template with preliminary considerations for a school founding project. Ask at first for the password, use the contact formular. The "Busines template" is only an example of preliminary considerations. It was a working paper for the ICS concept.
The working paper includes topics like: Pedagogy, Strategy, Ressources,Theology, Anthropology, Headline goal, Business plan, PR, Financing, Fundraising, etc.
In addition to that you will find the Isasa check list: Setting up a new school. This list is very helpful.
Please, if you work on your own concept dont forget to ask the parents and children what they want. Use the chance to get them into your boat. Be open for ideas like building soapboxes or have a slide in the sports hall or school building. School should be also a place of fun. Beside other advantages the questioning helps the project to get known in your district.