ICS: International Christian Schools
c/o Mr. Pälchen
Herminenstr. 6
31675 Bückeburg
Phone 049 5722 920 170 4
Steuernummer: 44/200/60181
Contact us: ICS-International-Christian-School-Founding
Vision of ICS-Christian School Founding is to bring TOP-Christian-Educationy to every country in the world: “The first and third world equally”.
We want to change and support the societies with well educated students, who know that Jesus died for them.
ICS-Christian School Founding will offer the Churches and Christian Institutions a support platform and a Network for their School founding project. To make it easier for them, to help them finish their project: The new ICS-School!
ICS-Christian School Founding will use the power of volunteers and University Students as well as the advantages of the franchise idea. Work together - learn together!
ICS-Christian School Founding Network has the aim to make it easier for students and teachers to change from one Network School to another.
ICS-Christian School Founding will unleash the Life skill Conference Concept to counter the lack of knowledge among the Youth in Schools.
Let us Start!